His Presence Is Real - September 17, 2023

The Mass: Liturgy of the Word Part V

We continue our look at the second section of the Mass, The Liturgy of the Word, by briefly considering the Gospel. This is the final and most important proclamation of Sacred Scripture at Mass.

As was mentioned previously, the Church structures the harmony between the readings at Mass around the Gospel passage. Each of the three Lectionary cycles pivots on a specific Gospel book (Cycle A, where we are now, is Matthew, Cycle B is Mark, and Cycle C is Luke). We hear from John’s Gospel at particular times of the Church year, especially during Easter.

It is the role of the deacon, if he is present, to proclaim the Gospel at Mass, even a Mass being celebrated by a bishop or the pope. This is reflected even in a deacon’s ordination. There is a point in his ordination Mass where he kneels before the bishop and is presented with the Book of Gospels. The bishop says “Receive the Gospel of Christ, whose herald you have become. Believe what you read, teach what you believe, and practice what you teach.”

The proclamation of the Gospel is so important at Mass, and it is highlighted in many ways: by our posture (we stand), by a procession with the Book of Gospels, by the introduction (the deacon says “The Lord be with you”), by tracing the Sign of the Cross with our thumb on our head, lips and heart, and by the conclusion (the assembly replies “Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ”).

Our mission as baptized Christians is to live out the Gospel, the “Good News,” in our daily lives. We become Christ’s eyes, arms and heart. Let’s be fortified to do so by listening to and praying over the Gospel passage at Mass, and then partaking of the Eucharist, the Real Presence of Jesus .

“Through the words of the Gospel may our sins be wiped away.” - Roman Missal (prayed silently by the deacon or priest when kissing the Book of Gospels after reading from it)

Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Contact me at eucharist@stmli.org.

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